saga name comparisons - summary
a summary of the changes in character and ability names between the gameboy (gb) and collection of saga (CoS) versions of saga; with some observations on the wonderswan color (wsc) version, and its ORIJINARU mode (orj).
this is the ascii-only pseudoromaji version of the page. see the description of pseudoromaji. see also the utf-8 kana version.
changes (CoS)
- char 29: gb GANE-SHI&YA is now CoS KUYU-SA-
- char 48: gb nezumi
otoko is now CoS nezumioyaji (also in wsc/orj) - char 4A: gb neko
musume is now CoS nekoon'na (also in wsc/orj) - char 5F: gb BIHO-RUDA- is now
AI (also in wsc/orj) - char A9: gb 28gou is now CoS 27gou
- char AB: gb MOBIRU
SU-TSU is now CoS MOBIRUMASHIN' (but was MOBIRUMASHI-N' in wsc/orj) - abil 2F: gb RAITOSE-BA- is now CoS RAITOSA-BERU (also in wsc/orj)
- abil 69: gb nen'butsu
no is now CoS ji&youkahon' no hon' - abil EF: gb ji&youbutsu is now CoS ji&youka
changes (wsc)
(names that were changed from the gb version in wsc and/or orj, but which are the same as the gb version in CoS)
- char 1A: gb shiomaneKU&I-N' [with youon] became wsc shiomaneKUI-N' (also in orj)
- char 3F: gb RA-BA
UO-MU became wsc RA-BAU&O-MU [with youon] - char 40: gb SAN'DO
UO-MU became wsc SAN'DOU&O-MU [with youon] - abil 09: gb [h] (heart) became wsc HA-TO
- abil A4: gb metsubushi became wsc kurayami (also in orj)
- abil BB: gb inadzuma became wsc inazuma (also in orj)
- abil F8: gb [0]mahi/
buki became wsc [0]MAHI/buki
wsc changes the spelling of lavaworm and sandworm from UO-MU ("uoomu") to U&O-MU ("woomu"); but abyssworm (char 41) was always spelt with U&O-MU ("woomu"). so the wsc names are more internally consistent.
the heart item (abil 09), usually named with a heart symbol, is given an actual name in wsc. all ability names are prefixed with a symbol in wsc, which in this case just is a heart, so this change was presumably to avoid leaving the name string blank.
although nen'butsu
most references to paralysis ("mahi") in all versions of saga write it with
katakana (MAHI), so the use of hiragana in abil F8