tower reversed


(legendary fight; fledermaus; speisemaus; wsc saga translation; tr tweaks; ffl chaoseum)

legendary fight

downloadable from icedrive [] or gmx cloud [].

legendary fight (lfight) is a product of study of ffl. lfight attempts to recreate ffl combat as it really is, and also, as it arguably should have been.

lfight includes all the characters and abilities from ffl, and introduces many from other games. you can create your own characters and abilities. test your skills in "arena" mode, or design your own arena for others to challenge.

where it's at: the current version is 2.02, and will probably not be updated any more. plans for the next version (3?) involve major rewrites. the eventual goal is to recreate the entirety of the ffl game engine and not just combat, though this may never actually happen.

before v2, legendary fight was known as "relic".


downloadable from icedrive [] or gmx cloud [].

fledermaus is a fairly comprehensive rom editor for final fantasy legend and makai toushi saga on the gameboy.

where it's at: the current version is 1.03. improvements are eminently possible.


downloadable from icedrive [] or gmx cloud [].

speisemaus is a monster transformation calculator for multiple versions of final fantasy legend, makai toushi saga, ffl2 and saga2.

this is a successor to the earlier program "meatcalc".

where it's at: the current version is 1.00. it's too soon to speculate about the possibility of updates.

wsc saga translation

downloadable from icedrive [] or gmx cloud [].

this is a patch for an english translation of the wonderswan color version of makai toushi saga.

i know little of japanese. translations may suck.

where it's at: the current version is 1.2, and is probably as done as it's going to get.

tr tweaks

downloadable from icedrive [] or gmx cloud [].

tr tweaks is a patch for ffl, containing various fixes and edits.

some representative examples: meat data edits; "3HORNS"; "Mireille"; beetle encounter; basetown door bug workaround; saw fixes; ...

read the text file for more details.

where it's at: the current version is 1.6. there are still more issues in ffl to address, but the low-hanging fruit is gone.

ffl chaoseum

downloadable from icedrive [] or gmx cloud [].

Final Fantasy Legend Chaoseum is a patch for ffl, made in collaboration with Captain Nemo.

see the readme file for more details.

where it's at: the current version is 1.4.

projects yet to come

a rom editor for ffl2 is in progress. i'm calling it 30% done.