tower reversed

ffl numbers

anyone who spends much time looking at ffl monster statistics will realise they follow a system.

suppose each monster has a "level", from 0-20, and a series of "grades", one each for strength, defence, agility, mana, and hp, with values of low/medium/high/xhigh. the statistics seen in the game then follow from these.

this system isn't part of ffl, as such. the statistics are stored as themselves, and levels and grades don't appear in the rom (i think). it's just that this system was presumably used in designing the statistics.

the first table indicates levels and grades. the second table contains the lookup values. the grade notation "H+" means high plus one - that is, you would look up the value for "high", then add one to get the actual value. "M--" would mean the medium value minus two. any value above 99 becomes 99 (except for hp.)

there's only one lookup column for hp. medium hp is the value listed; if low, subtract one from level and check that row instead; if high, add one; if xhigh, add two. in other words, high hp at level 4 is the same as medium hp at level 5 or low hp at level 6.

table 1: character levels and grades
group str. def. agl. mana hp
insectman M H H+ M- L fly: 1 drgonfly: 4 hornet: 6 mosquito: 7 cicada: 18 mantis: 20
fish M+ M- H L M barracud: 2 piranha: 3 shark: 7 gunfish: 12 elec eel: 18 leviathn: 20
plant M M+ L- L H cactus: 5 p-flower: 6 garlic: 8 thorn: 12 f-flower: 18 darkrose: 20
insect L H+ H- M L clipper: 1 beetle: 9 ant lion: 10 atom ant: 12 scorpion: 18 scarab: 20
crab M X L+ L- M shrimp: 4 atomcrab: 6 crab: 11 ice crab: 12 kingcrab: 18 dagon: 20
tiger H+ M H- L M wolf: 2 jaguar: 4 sabercat: 8 snowcat: 13 blackcat: 18 fenswolf: 20
rhino H M+ M- L H redbull: 1 rhino: 5 triceras: 11 behemoth: 13 baku: 18 ganesha: 20
birdman M+ L H M- M condor: 3 raven: 6 harpy: 9 ten-gu: 13 garuda: 18 nike: 20
snake M+ H M- L M snake: 2 serpent: 5 anaconda: 9 hydra: 14 ko-run: 18 jorgandr: 20
octopus M+ M- M L M? octopus: 4 clam: 8 amoeba: 10 ammonite: 14 squid: 18 kraken: 20
worm M+ L L- M H worm: 2 p-worm: 8 crawler: 11 lavaworm: 14 sandworm: 18 gigaworm: 20
lizard M H L+ L- H lizard: 0 p-frog: 2 gecko: 3 dinosaur: 15 salamand: 18 basilisk: 20
wolfman H L M- M+ M wererat: 1 werewolf: 4 catwoman: 7 minotaur: 15 rakshasa: 18 anubis: 20
oni X M+ M- L M goblin: 0 oni: 2 ogre: 10 giant: 15 titan: 19 susano-o: 20
chimera M M- H H+ L griffin: 5 mantcore: 7 chimera: 11 nue: 15 sphinx: 19 ki-rin: 20
eye L+ M L- X L big eye: 4 gazer: 9 seeker: 12 watcher: 16 evil eye: 19 beholder: 20
skeleton M L- L+ H M skeleton: 0 red bone: 4 dokuro: 13 warrior: 16 boneking: 19 lich: 20
slime L+ L L- H H slime: 1 jelly: 10 tororo: 14 gummy: 16 pudding: 19 hi-slime: 20
devil M+ M-- M- M++ M gargoyle: 3 imp: 8 demon: 15 demolord: 16 demoking: 19 athtalot: 20
snakewoman L M- M+ H L medusa: 6 siren: 7 lamia: 15 naga: 16 scylla: 19 lilith: 20
zombie H+ L L- M H zombie: 1 ghoul: 3 mou-jya: 11 wight: 17 ghast: 19 revnant: 20
ghost L L- H H+ L o-bake: 1 phantom: 3 buruburu: 12 wraith: 17 spector: 19 ghost: 20
golem H+ M L H- M woodman: 6 clayman: 11 stoneman: 12 ironman: 17 fireman: 19 mazin: 20
bird M+ L X M- L albatros: 0 eagle: 7 thunder: 13 cocatris: 17 rock: 19 phoenix: 20
dragon M+ M- L H L dragon 1: 9 dragon 2: 11 dragon 3: 14 dragon 4: 17 dragon 5: 19 tiamat: 20
killer H L+ M L- X karateka: 0 pirate: 3 wrestler: 9 keller: 14 gang: 18
samurai M H- H+ L M asigaru: 0 samurai: 8 ninja: 10 soldier: 16 musasi: 19 kingswrd: 4?
magician L+ L- H X L magician: 5 conjuror: 7 sorceror: 13 wizard: 16 vampire: 19 steward: n/a?
robot H+ H L L- H guard: 5 hunter: 10 robot: 14 trooper: 17 armor: 19
table 2: value lookup
level low med high xhigh med HP
0 3 5 7 9 20
1 4 6 8 (10) 40
2 5 8 11 14 60
3 6 10 14 (18) 82
4 7 12 17 22 103
5 9 15 21 27 126
6 11 18 25 32 150
7 14 22 30 38 175
8 16 25 34 (43) 202
9 19 29 39 49 231
10 22 33 44 55 262
11 25 37 49 61 295
12 28 41 54 67 330
13 32 46 60 74 368
14 35 50 65 (80) 409
15 39 55 71 87 454
16 43 60 77 94 501
17 47 65 83 (101) 551
18 52 70 88 (106) 606
19 56 75 94 (113) 666
20 62 81 (100) (119) 729
(high: 795)